
2023 Question and Answer With Ultimate Zombie Hunt

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 recently sat down with Rick Pope of Ultimate Zombie Hunt, to discuss what's new at Ultimate Zombie Hunt for the 2023 Halloween Season!

What's new at Ultimate Zombie Hunt for 2023? Do you have any new rides, attractions, or special features that Haunt Seekers should know about?

This year at The Ultimate Zombie Hunt “Science Gone Wrong…. Again” adds the creation of new monsters and creatures that were created while trying to find the cure to the Zombie Outbreak. The Depths of the science labs continued to house un-rescued scientists, lost hunters, and undead zombies, creatures, and …. Pests!
We now have a 1/4 of a mile guided tour through our all new paths of rooms unexplored and never entered by a hunter.

What are you most excited about for the 2023 Halloween Season?

We are excited to have our staff of live zombies, guides, and actors to make the Ultimate Zombie Hunt a great experience for the “Hunters” that try to bring peace and eradicate our labs from the zombies and creatures using our all new GellyBall Blasters.

What differentiates Ultimate Zombie Hunt from other local haunts in Tennessee?

We feel all haunts will be a great experience for this season. However, we not only have a guided tour through a quarter mile of terrain. We have a live action adventure that the participants/customers become hunters with real GellyBall Blasters and will be able to shoot and destroy the zombies and creatures. We are a total interactive adventure Zombie Hunt.

How long has Ultimate Zombie Hunt been in business? Can you tell us a bit more about Ultimate Zombie Hunt's history?

Our first hunt was October 2022 and we continue the success this year with all new zombies, creatures, and adventure. Ultimate Zombie Hunt is part of Ultimate Bunker Games. UBG is a Paintball, GellyBall, Laser Tag, Arrow Tag, Nerf, and AirSoft Events Company.

What's your favorite experience since opening Ultimate Zombie Hunt?

Our favorite experience is the Hunt with Live actors and GellyBall Blasters to shoot the Zombies. I would also like to mention the excitement of designing and setting up the UZH. Creating the props and the storyline.

How long is a typical haunt experience at Ultimate Zombie Hunt from start to finish?

Our Zombie Hunt is 1/4 of a mile long and takes about 12 to 15 minutes to complete. We are moving into 2024 with a “choice” hunt, where the hunter can choose different paths for their pleasure.

On a scale from 1 to 10, how scary would you say Ultimate Zombie Hunt is? Why?

We believe our scare factor is only about a 6 due to the nature of our event. We are a guided zombie hunt adventure tour. Customers become “hunters” with a GellyBall Blaster to shoot the live zombies and creatures. We are more of a fun and exciting challenge while the enjoyment of being scared by crazed zombies and monsters still exist in our adventure.

Does Ultimate Zombie Hunt's property have any real haunted history? Do you have a spooky encounter you'd like to share?

Hmmm. Well, the lights go out, it is pitch dark, and…. Well…. You understand.

What inspired you to open up a haunted attraction? What's your favorite part of the business?

We decided to do this Ultimate Zombie Hunt to help promote The Bradley Square Mall and Ultimate Bunker Games. We felt it would bring more customers into the mall and it would let people experience the fun and excitement of shooting a gellyball blaster. We love setting up parties and following up with all our customers.

How has new technology (i.e. animatronics, special props, etc) helped you to enhance Ultimate Zombie Hunt?

As technology advances, it does help us with “contraption” movement and ambient sounds and trigger points. However, we love using real actors to be our zombies, creatures, monsters, and tour guides.

Can Ultimate Zombie Hunt accommodate large groups? How many people can experience Ultimate Zombie Hunt together as a group?

We prefer to have groups 6 and under. This gives our tours a more “personal” feel and everyone gets a chance to shoots zombies and monsters without being lost in the group and not having the opportunity to interact with the adventure.

Does Ultimate Zombie Hunt offer any special deals, discounts, or coupons?

We periodically put out coupons and specials in local advertisements.

Anything else you'd like to let us know about Ultimate Zombie Hunt?

If you have ever wanted to participate in an adventure that not only keeps your hairs standing up on your neck, but where you can actually retaliate with your GellyBall Blaster back at the onslaught of Zombies and Creatures, then this is perfect for you.




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