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Palestine Church - Yuma TN Haunted Place

  • Palestine Church Loop
  • Yuma, TN
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The church building is surrounded by a cemetery that dates back to the early 1800's. The church and cemetery have been abandoned for years and there have been mant reports of hauntings here. Some include shuffling footsteps when no one is around, voices talking, screams and doors opening and closing by themselves. Some have reported seeing a ghostly figure sitting at the piano, which sometimes plays by itself. Others have apparently seen a figure in a black cloak, standing in the church corners, not moving. When it is approached, it vanishes. Cold spots can be felt throughout the church and there have been reports of people feeling like they are being watched. Outside in the cemetery, people have reported hearing things walking around and seeing shadowy spirits moving around the tombstones.
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    Group of 6 friends went after a local told us their experiences. We went on Halloween night 2021. We didn’t see anything in person but we took a video. I used a spiritbox app on my phone. Didn’t catch myself but one word I THINK I heard was “creep”. We walked around and in the cemetery reading the tombstones. As we were walking my husband thought he heard leaves crunching from away from the group. I thought it was just the nuts falling of the trees till we were about to leave, talking around our vehicles when I heard distinct leaves crunching in the woods. And right before we left the cemetery itself I distinctly heard a wierd low rumbling sound surrounding us. I asked and the others heard it. So yeah, we left. My friend is finally going thru the video we took and messaged us saying “ I saw a shadow like thing in the corner of the ceiling. Feet on each wall and hand on the ceiling” so yeah, we’re watching the rest of the video tonight.

    Posted 11/10/21

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Visitors to this page: 1,301
Last edit to this listing: 12/16/2015 (3052 days ago)

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