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Pegram Family Cemetery Location - Real Pegram Haunt

  • Harpeth Haven Dr.
  • Pegram, TN
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Real Haunted Cemeteries
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The now bulldozed Pegram Family Cemetery is located at the end of Walkup Road in Pegram. Around 1970, developers bulldozed an area along the Harpeth River which included the Pegram Cemetery. The cemetery was partly in Metro Nashville, Davidson County and partly in Pegram. The developers also sold dirt and other materials from the site and river as fill dirt. Small houses were then built on concrete slabs. The river later rose over 30 feet in 1975 and one of the last coffins appeared at the surface in the yard of Archie Greer, a resident. The coffin contained the remains of Mrs. Carrie Pegram Heath who was the Town's first postmistress. The county continued to allow building and ended up putting large up-front impact fees for their own mistakes amounting to over $500,000. Another flooding occured in 2010 and Mrs. Carrie had to be "pushed back down" into the ground. Fires that have occured, have ended up "restarting" several times. Not much in the town seems to work and the sewer that the town built is always having trouble. Soil from the Pegram Cemetery is scattered all over the area, which probably means it's haunted!
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  • Nothing has happened

    My family has lived in Harpeth Haven Subdivision since 1978 and nothing paranormal has happened. My neighbor has 3 tombstones lying in their yard, one with the name Caroline Pegram. They have been respectful and left them where they lay. I talked to a little old lady, now deceased, who witnessed the move of the cemetary. She said a truck load of stacked coffins drove by her house and they looked like they were just thrown in there with no order. We didn't have any knowledge of the cemetary when we moved here.

    Posted 3/13/22

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  • Banging on our house

    The night we moved into our brand new built Home I was home alone with my two babies as my husband went to get another load of furniture. All of a sudden there’s was a banging on the end of our home maybe 15 feet from where I was standing inside the house . It felt like someone hitting the house with a car. Vibration shook through out our home . And repeated twice . I’ve never been so scared in my life . We had no curtains up yet so I layed in the small hall with my babies so no one could see us . I’ve never believed in weird things like this .but it happened. So a couple years ago online I saw a book about the hauntings on Walkup road . Our house was third from the end on walk up road . I’ve lived there nine years . I never heard it again . And since have found out that the Pegrams are relatives of ours . So our home was right there where the cemetary was . I’ll never forget that night ever . When my husband got home I told him . He explained that while he was getting ready to go to get another load he was red eyes Or lights glowing in the woods by our fence and picked up a large rock and threw in that direction. I never told my neighbors as I was afraid they wouldn’t believe me .

    Posted 12/25/20

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  • Pegram Cemetery

    The Walkup Drive Subdivision is a massive concentration of bad energy trapped and magnified by the surrounding Harpeth River and tracts for the train. The kids and animals are all trapped in this vortex of bad vibes and volatile tempers. With the flammable cargo and toxic chemicals that barrels through Pegram on the train; they say if it wrecks the whole town would go up in a blink of an eye. My Daughter's father molested her and still lives there so there is at least one child molester living there.

    Posted 5/18/19

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  • Doubt it...

    We lived on Garcia Drive in the late 70's and early 80's and really never experienced anything. We didn't have the Internet back then, so there was no one to tell us kids that it was haunted. Sure, we saw the headstones and heard the casket stories, but nothing ever haunted us. I wish the last poster would give more than vague examples of what he/she is blaming on being haunted. I haven;t heard any of those stories.

    Posted 10/19/17

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  • Cursed!

    I used to live on Garcia DR. The whole neighborhood is a God forsaken hellhole. We had Neighbors kill each other, wives blow their husbands ear off with shotguns, children than wound up paralyzed for life, fathers molesting their pre k Daughters ect. The only good thing that ever happened there was the birth of my first Daughter. No good will ever come from this place. They should bulldoze it to the ground again!

    Posted 9/20/17

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    6 out of 7 found this review helpful

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Last edit to this listing: 12/16/2015 (3343 days ago)

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