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The Haunted Barn

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  (5 reviews)
Scare Factor
Very Scary
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Teens and Adults - Kids up to parent's discretion
Organization Type
Commercial / For Profit
Listing Categories
Haunted Houses
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2 Awards Received

2 Awards Received

The Barn is a 16 room walk-thru along with a Huge totally dark maze.

We want you to come back year after year, and we work hard to make you want to come back. We are like none other in our area, no lines to wait in, you can sit by the huge Bonfire and watch everything going on outside while you wait for your number to be called, Live DJ playing your favorite Dance music, we have 5 giant monsters that greet you as you make your way up to the Haunted Barn, They will dance with you as well.

We have a Graveyard to view and read all the funny Epitaphs, you can't go in the grave yard, because if you do, you might not come out! We keep trespassers!

Hours of Operation: Oct 4 - Nov 2 Friday and Saturday @ 7 pm - Midnight or later.

Admission Costs: $25.00 per person all ages
Some locations may have last minute updates due to changing circumstances. Please visit the attraction's website and/or social media before going to double-check that they are open.
All photos and videos within this listing are the property of The Haunted Barn

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  • Great place

    Hardworking actors scare the pants off you friendly staff this place really got it together

    Scare Factor:
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    Haunt Value:
    Posted October 2021

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    1 out of 1 found this review helpful

  • Best in Chattanooga!

    My BFF & I have going to the Haunted Barn for 20 years now, & it’s always been our fave B~Day/Halloween tradition! They’re always changing & adding things, so I’ve never gotten tired of it over the years. The long dark maze at the end is the best part! If you’re claustrophobic at all, it’ll scare the crap out of you! There’s a lot of very narrow corridors & tight squeezes, which is a huge positive b/c haunts are supposed to play off your fears! The actors are always giving it their all. A lot of other haunts have actors that aren’t really into it, or they break character, & it takes you out of it. They also don’t downplay it for kids, & I’m so thankful b/c it ruins it for everyone else who actually want to be scared. Parents shouldn’t take young kids who aren’t ready. Here they do their best to really scare you, & let’s face it, you didn’t pay $20 to not get scared! This is totally worth it, but $20 is a bit much. I can understand $12, & even $15. The only other negative I have is the musical atmosphere. They used to play Halloween themed music when they first started, & it made the whole experience even better waiting by the bon fire. Now it’s happy pop music. A good creepy musical atmosphere is important. They nailed the decor however! I always love walking around, checking the graveyard out, & snapping pics. They even have some actors walking around outside scaring ppl. I love that there’s no line & you can chill by the bon fire, check out the awesome decor, & even sip some hot apple cider & munch on something from the concession stand while waiting for your group to be called. There’s so many positives about this place that pretty much makes up for the two negatives I have. I understand they have to pay actors, buy props, equipment, think a lot the $ goes to charity, etc. I’m sure it gets crazy expensive, but $20 a person is really hard for some ppl to come up with. There’s been a few times I couldn’t go b/c I couldn’t afford $40 for 2 of us. ?? It would cost my BFF $100 to take her kids, so she can’t ever take them. We still go every year b/c it’s just that GOOD! I really can’t say enough about how much I ?? the Haunted Barn! To whom it may concern: Thank you from the bottom of my heart for having this every year since I was 16! Good haunts are hard to find & I can always count on you guys! You’re awesome!

    Scare Factor:
    Fun Factor:
    Haunt Value:
    Posted October 2019

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  • Email Verified Awesome!

    Great atmosphere, super kind staff, and an amazing haunted experience all the way! It’s 100% worth the money!

    Scare Factor:
    Fun Factor:
    Haunt Value:
    Posted September 2018

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    1 out of 1 found this review helpful

  • Email Verified Fun N Scary

    We were very much happy to visit the Haunted Barn which was so scary and spooky yet we had lots of fun. The zombie truck was real a unique thought put forward and it was real spooky. The barn was covered in darkness and we kept walking through the different rooms totally shivering in fear. The Stilt walker was awesome and something I had not expected to be here and I could stop screaming in fright seeing the giant monster that jumped out of darkness suddenly. As we happened to go on a weekend we also got to hear the wonderful DJ and my friends and I had a great bonfire, dancing and lots of fun. A must go place for everyone.

    Scare Factor:
    Fun Factor:
    Haunt Value:
    Posted November 2017

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  • Best in Chattanooga Area Hands Down

    Yall put on a great show..I come every year and love it..keep up the good work!

    Posted October 2014

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    5 out of 6 found this review helpful

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